Since Honduras, things have become very tranquilo. Basically, things have normalized for me to the point that all the random stuff going on around Cobàn is not so surprising anymore. That might help to explain why I haven’t updated this blog in awhile.
As of August 31st, I will have been in Peace Corps for a full year. I got kind of sick this weekend and couldn’t sleep much, so I had a lot of time to mull that over. Honestly, it’s amazing how quickly the time has shot by. Without seasons or semesters to measure, it’s hard to grasp a year in Guatemalan terms. My neighbor Roger, who is in the Ag program a year ahead of me, is now getting ready to finish up his service. One year from now, I’ll be in the same position having to leave Cobán.
It’s frightening having to even think about what doing after Peace Corps. Starting out, these two years seemed like an insurmountable amount of time. The first 6 months in site went by so slow that it was hard to imagine an exit. Now one year in, I can clearly see an end. What makes is scary is how much I’ve gotten used to living and working here. It’s that realization that some time soon, I’ve got to think about changing it all up.
On the bright side, it’s been a busy year and more than I could have imagined. Thank God I’ve got another one left.

Since coming back from Honduras, my plan has mainly been to try and really focus on work. Thus far, it’s been very rewarding. Compared to where I was a few months ago, I’m much more comfortable with my schools and everyone I work with. With one fairly successful project completed, I have a better idea of how to approach people and involve them. Basically, I see this period between my last trip and Christmas as a time to try and really get a lot done.
Other than that, the only other major news is that I moved apartments. My old place got too full of mold and was always loud. My new spot is in the big building with a family downstairs. It´s right in the middle of Coban and I´ve got an apartment on the second floor. House warming party this weekend.