Damn, training is over. Things are finally starting to sink in for me now as I`m starting my service. This last week was busy as hell and now all of a sudden, I´m in Coban, I start work on Monday and I still don´t have a house. It´s exciting and all, but it´s rather shocking to become comfortable after three months and to then start it all over again. Anyways, last week saw a host of events. Continuing with the chicken saga, last Saturday we slaughtered all 30 of our birds to cook for our family appreciation day party. We went out in Antigua that night and then swore in at the ambassador´s house on Monday morning before celebrating another night out. Needless to say, I haven´t been sleeping much.
Wednesday, I spent a final day with my host family. When I told them that I was considering staying in Guatemala for my last night, the kids all starting crying, so I ended up staying there on Thursday evening. Thanksgiving itself was fun, but certainly not the same as KC. The vice-ambassador had us over to his house and treated us with a really good dinner. Yesterday morning we said our final goodbyes and took off for our sites. 
So now, I´m here in Coban and trying to get myself organized. I´m hoping to find a house by tomorrow, but there´s no big rush. Although I feel like I´ve been here for awhile, I frequently need to remind myself that my two years of service just began on Monday.
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